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Professional football in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2024-09-01Updated:2024-09-01
Similar words: professional baseballprofessionalprofessionallyunprofessionalnonprofessionalnon-professionalprofessionalismprofessionalizeMeaning: n. football played for pay. 
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31. Although professional football is the nation's favorite spectator sport, professional baseball is also very popular.
32. Many wondered whether he could survive meted out in professional football.
33. Qingdao Sunrise is a semi - professional football club based in Jimo after move to Qingdao.
34. American professional football involves thirty - one teams in the National Football League, or NFL.
35. Let's compare that with America's favorite spectator sport, professional football.
More similar words: professional baseballprofessionalprofessionallyunprofessionalnonprofessionalnon-professionalprofessionalismprofessionalizeprofessional lifeparaprofessionalsemiprofessionalprofessional dutyprofessional personprofessional ethicsprofessionalizationprofessionalisationprofessional tennishealth professionalprofessional dancerprofessional boxingprofessional programmercomputer professionalprofessional etiquetteprofessional servicesprofessional jealousyprofessional associationprofessional wrestlingprofessional organizationprofessional accountantprofession
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